Plasmon biscuits

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Plasmon’s Biscotti are healthy infant biscuits made from premium quality ingredients, fortified with 9 different vitamins and minerals: fortified with the Vitamins of the B complex, Vitamin PP and proteins,

Plasmon Biscuits are highly digestible and nutritionally well balanced.

They can also be enjoyed by pregnant women and the elderly. Suitable for children over 6 months old.

Forever, it is characterized by its proper friability, unmistakable taste and its unique property of melting easily in the mouth, so important for the baby in the early stages of weaning.

All the ingredients are carefully controlled, without dyes * and preservatives *, without butter, without eggs, with 8% fat and calories.

For your biscuit we only choose the best ears, collected and stored until the day of preparation without the use of pesticides.

Through Oasis in Growth, we only choose suppliers that are able to meet our chain management requirements, which are even higher than what is required by the restrictive law on child nutrition.

With 6 Vitamins and Mineral Salts.
The authentic taste of ever.
Without eggs, hydrogenated fats, no dyes * and preservatives * as per law.
It melts in mouth and milk.