Piadina Romagnola IGP will be protected in Canada too.

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Piadina Romagnola Igp has been included in the list of Protected Geographical Indications in Canada.

Piadina Romagnola IGP, an icon of the Apennine snack, will be protected in Canada too and will appear on the market of friends overseas as an unimitable product, respectful of the four typical ingredients, recognized and certified by the local competent bodies.

The driving force behind the initiative is the Consortium for the Promotion and Protection of Piadina Romagnola IGP, which pushed for the recipe to be included in the list of Geographical Indications Protected and recognized by the Trademarks Act, in line with the commercial agreement between the European Union and the great State of the North American continent (Ceta) which eliminates duties and protects products against the risk of counterfeiting (what, to be clear, professionals call ‘Italian Sounding’).

It all began back in 2018, when a private company filed an application with the Canadian trademark register to register the ‘La Piadina’ trademark. Needless to say, if the trademark had been registered, ‘La Piadina’ in Canadian territory would have been the exclusive prerogative of the applicant. The process for obtaining was started in early 2021 with the collection of the documents required to submit the application, and finally culminated with the inclusion of the name in the Trademarks Journal and in the list of Protected Geographical Indications in Canada.
SOURCE: dissapore.com

Gusti d’Italia Srl offers a wide choice of products belonging to the Emilian and Romagnola culinary tradition, discover all of ours on our website https://gustiditalia.com/it/prodotti/.

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